Whatever Happened to .... Queen Anne's County
Whatever happened to recording deaths at the courthouse? A policy that didn't continue until 1898 when they were required to file with the state.
Deaths Recorded at the Queen Anne's County Courthouse
Death 7-26-1865; deceased Elizabeth Genings; female; white; single; age 73; resides 1st District; occupation weaver; died at James Seward's, born Western Shore; Father John Genings; Mother unknown; Parents reside Western Shore; cause of death - injury by a fall; burial Busicks Church; date of record 8-1-1865
Death 7-18-1865; deceased Araminta Brown; female; colored; single; age 12; resides 1st District; place of death Stephen Brown's; born Queen Anne's County; Father Stephen Brown; Mother Sarah A. Brown; Parents reside 1st District Queen Anne's County; cause of death Bilious Pneumonia; burial Samuel Gray's; Date of record 8-8-1865
Death 8-11-1865; deceased Abraham Wilmer; male; colored; single; age 6; resides 1st District; died at Stephen Brown's; born Queen Anne's County; Father Abraham Wilmer; Mother Alexine ____; Parents Reside 1st District Queen Anne's County; cause of death Bilious Fever; burial at Samuel Gray's; Date of Record 8-26-1865
Death 8-18-1865; deceased Nathan Starkey; male; white; single; age 3 months; resides 1st District; died at Nathan Starkey's; born Queen Anne's County; Father Nathan Starkey; Mother Elizabeth Starkey; Parents Reside 1st District Queen Anne's County; cause of death unknown; burial Busicks Church; Date of Record 9-6-1865
Death 9-1-1865; deceased Merrick Jackson; male; white; single; age 63; resides 1st District; occupation none; died at James H. Lee's; born Queen Anne's County; Father Noah Jackson; Mother Elizabeth Jackson; parents residence unknown; cause of death Bilious Dysentary; burial Jackson farm; Date of Record 9-8-1865
Death 8-15-1865; deceased John F. Lee; male; white; single; age 6 1/2; resides 1st District; died at James H. Lee's; born Queen Anne's County; Father James H. Lee; Mother Sallie Lee; parents reside 1st District Queen Anne's County; cause of death bilious diarreah; burial Whitely Farm; Date of Record 9-8-1865
Death 8-2-1865; deceased Martha J. Nickerson; female; white; single; age 15; resides 1st District; occupation housework; died at Chaney Nickerson's; born Queen Anne's County; Father Chaney Nickerson; Mother Charity Nickerson; parents reside 1st District Queen Anne's County; cause of death ulcer in throat; Burial Whitely Farm; Death Record 9-27-1865
Death 8-30-1865; deceased Eliza A. Nickerson; female; white; married; age 35; resides 1st District; occupation housework; died at John T. Nickerson's; born Queen Anne's County; Father Cornelius Price; Mother Levina Price; parents reside 1st District Queen Anne's County; cause of death child bed; burial Busicks Church; Date of Record 9-27-1865
Death 8-28-1865; deceased Rachel V. Godwin; female; white; single; age 14; resides 1st District; occupation housework; died at George Wall's; born Queen Anne's County; Father Edward Godwin; Mother not named; parents reside 1st District Queen Anne's County; cause of death Typhoid; burial J. Deverick's; Date of Record 10-14-1865
Death 8-10-1865; deceased Wesley Walls; male; white; age 2 years 6 months; resides Queen Anne's County; died in Queen Anne's County; born Queen Anne's County; Father Samuel S. Walls; Mother Margaret A. Walls; parents reside Queen Anne's County; cause of death Bilious; Burial Queen Anne's County; Date of Record 9-11-1865
Death 10-10-1865; deceased Alvy T. Dill; male; white; single; age 10 months; resides 1st District Queen Anne's County; died at James R. Dill's; born Queen Anne's County; Father James R. Dill; Mother Margaret A. Dill; parents reside 1st District Queen Anne's County; cause of death Bilious and Scrofula; burial at home; Date of Record 10-14-1865
Death 7-14-1866; deceased Maria Jump; female; white; widow; age 47; resides Queen Anne's County; occupation farmer; died at her residence; born Queen Anne's County; Father James W. Harris; Mother Elizabeth Harris; parents reside Queen Anne's County; cause of death dysentary; burial Centreville; Date of Record 7-28-1866
Death 7-23-1865; deceased Rachel Richardson; female; white; widow; age 50; residence Roesville; occupation farmer; died at Roesville; born Salem Queen Anne's County; Father John Duhamel; Mother Ann Duhamel; parents reside Salem Queen Anne's County; cause of death dysentary; burial Roesville; Date of Record 8-1-1865
Death 8-26-1878; deceased Ellina E. Wooters; female; white; infant; age 21 days; died at Father's house; born Centreville; Father not named; Mother not named; cause of death bowels; burial Centreville; Date of Record 8-27-1878

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